Brand Protection Consulting


How do you decide where to start? Every trademark owner has its own priorities, perspectives and budgets, not to mention the internal pressures from management and stakeholders. At Vaudra International, our focus is helping you achieve your unique goals and ROI, whether on a case by case basis or fueling an overall brand protection program.

After collaborating with IP owners for over 20 years, we have the expertise to build effective, customized programs to fit your needs, from identifying the scope of counterfeiting to development and implementation of an enforcement strategy (and all the steps in-between). We have created and assisted in the design and execution of anti-counterfeiting programs from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

Why Us
intellectual property, IP, investigations

Offering Intellectual Property (IP) investigations & brand protection solutions globally since 2003.


How may we help? We look forward to your feedback.