Trademark Counterfeiting


Counterfeiting or some degree of unauthorized trademark use plagues virtually every brand owner. We empathize with the frustration and aggravation in addressing this inevitable cost of success and want to help you fight back. Collaborating with our clients to identify high-value targets, we investigate, gather evidence, and present the facts to create a plan of action that supports their objectives.

Conducting investigations into the sale and distribution of counterfeit goods, domestically & abroad, online & offline, and determining knowledge & intent to establish grounds for State and/or Federal violations (Lanham Act) is at the core of our company. Our founders were conducing these types of investigations in the early 1990s when such cases were undertaken by only a few private investigation firms. Certainly, the mind & methodology of the counterfeiter has changed dramatically since then. Social media networks, communication apps, and smartphones enable 24/7 connectivity for today’s modern counterfeiter as well as the buyers, sellers and suppliers.

Our investigative methods uncover intelligence and identify methods to restore the advantage to the trademark owner. As evidence develops, we work with you and provide recommendations for possible action based on the facts. Whether the goal is to send a cease & desist letter, remove online listings or present the case to law enforcement for action, we provide support from start to finish in alignment with your instructions and objectives.

Why Us
intellectual property, IP, investigations

Offering Intellectual Property (IP) investigations & brand protection solutions globally since 2003.


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