Website Age Verification Testing
Virtually everything is available for purchase online, which includes products, substances and services that are subject to age restrictions. While verifying a consumer’s age prior to loading a website with a pop-up dialogue box, “Are you 18?” or “Are you 21?” was sufficient at one time, some companies decide further validation is warranted to ensure compliance with industry regulatory standards or enhance consumer protections from potential underage use. There is a wide array of technologies that companies may implement on their ecommerce platforms to safeguard against sales to underage consumers, but how effective are they?
If you are interested in field testing your website’s age verification processes, we collaborate with our clients as a trusted, neutral third-party to develop and implement a strategy. Depending on the scope & parameters, this may include (but is not limited to) recruiting, independent identity/age confirmation of potential participants, instructing, tracking, and reporting. We welcome the opportunity to support our clients with projects of this nature where confidentiality, reliability & attention to detail is of critical importance.
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